Guest - Is the bar still open?
Me - Unfortunately, it's already closed up for the evening.
Guest - Any food options in the hotel?
Me - We have snack items in the gift shop if you'd like.
Guest - Do you sell wine in the gift shop?
Me - No, we do not. LOL.
Guest walks through the front doors barefoot,in a bathrobe and walks up to the front desk. At 4 in the morning.
Guest- Umm, the hotel next door sent me to your guys's gift shop. Do you guys carry... ummm protection?
Me- protection?
Guest- like condoms?
Me - Oh, ummm no, we dont sell condoms.
Guest - well do you know where I can get some?
Me - Well, there's a gas station around the corner.
Guest - How far of a walk is that?
Me- about ten minutes
Guest - (mumbling under his breath) doesnt anybody believe in safe sex?
Guest - I know this is sort of a weird request but my buddies and I have this tradition of collecting socks from hotel clerks and I was wondering if maybe you would give me your sock?
Me - No, I'm sorry, I need my socks.
Guest - I'll pay you for it!
Me- No, my socks are nice thick wool ones.
Guest - I'll give you fifty bucks.
Me- (thoroughly creeped out at this point) Umm, no, sorry. You could ask my coworker. Maybe he'd give you a sock. (*Note - I'm female, coworker is male.)
Guest - No, that wouldnt be the same. Well, I guess I'll just have to go up to my room.
Guest - have you guys had to call the cops at all tonight?
Me- Umm... no, why?
Guest - Just wondering.
Me - should I have called the cops?
Guest - oh... ummm, no, no. ( guest slowly backs away from desk)
Guest on phone - I'm about to check out. Can you call a cab for me?
Me - Absolutely. Are you headed to the airport this morning?
Guest - Yes I am.
Me - No problem. The cab will be here shortly.
Me, after hanging up the phone - Your mom can call you a cab.
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